WeVow Members must adhere to the following zero tolerance policy: Zero tolerance means that we will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment or assault behaviors, regardless of the severity of the wrongful conduct or the individual committing the wrongful conduct. Any person who is found to have committed sexual harassment or sexual assault in the workplace and/or against any other employee, agent, vendor, customer, or service provider of the organization will be subject to immediate disciplinary or corrective action, at the sound discretion of the organization, up to and including immediate discharge from employment. Without exception, each and every employee, officer, director, manager, supervisor, or other individual employed by the organization is subject to this zero tolerance policy. Management and/or human resources will have the sole discretion to determine the severity of the consequence based upon, among other things, the severity of the conduct; provided, the individual accused of wrongful conduct shall not be involved in any decisions with regard to the consequences for his/her own wrongful conduct. For purposes of this zero tolerance policy, the wrongful conduct covered hereby includes not only sexual harassment and sexual assault, but also any form of retaliatory action against any individual who reports sexual harassment or sexual assault in the workplace.